	// Slide settings
	settings : {
		title : 'Title Goes Here<br>Up To Two Lines',
		subtitle : 'Subtitle Goes Here',
		// eventInfo: {
		// title: 'Google I/O',
		// date: '6/x/2013'
		// },
		useBuilds : true, // Default: true. False will turn off slide
		// animation builds.
		usePrettify : true, // Default: true
		enableSlideAreas : true, // Default: true. False turns off the click
		// areas on either slide of the slides.
		enableTouch : true, // Default: true. If touch support should enabled.
		// Note: the device must support touch.
		// analytics: 'UA-XXXXXXXX-1', // Google Analytics account ID
		favIcon : 'images/google_developers_logo_tiny.png',
		fonts : [ 'Open Sans:regular,semibold,italic,italicsemibold',
				'Source Code Pro' ],
		// theme: ['mytheme'], // Add your own custom themes or styles in
		// /theme/css. Leave off the .css extension.
		remoteSocket : "https://webcastor.herokuapp.com/",
		remoteChannel : "HV85QYAQ",

	// Author information
	presenters : [ {
		name : 'Firstname Lastname',
		company : 'Job Title<br>Google',
		gplus : 'http://plus.google.com/1234567890',
		twitter : '@yourhandle',
		www : 'http://www.you.com',
		github : 'http://github.com/you'
	} /*
		 * , { name: 'Second Name', company: 'Job Title, Google', gplus:
		 * 'http://plus.google.com/1234567890', twitter: '@yourhandle', www:
		 * 'http://www.you.com', github: 'http://github.com/you' }