\chapter{User guide} \section{Running the game} \begin{tabular}{ l | l | l | l } Feature & Web & App & Console\\ \hline Animations & YES & NO & NO\\ Sound & YES & YES & NO\\ Illustrations & YES & YES & NO\\ Visual inventory & YES & YES & NO\\ Keyboard shortcuts & YES & YES & NO\\ \end{tabular} \subsection{Web version} To start the web version of the game, simply go to the \href{http://esieequest.pacien.net/#play}{project's website} using an up to date web browser. \subsection{Standalone app} An offline version of the game referred as ``standalone app'' can be executed by opening the .jar. The Java Runtime Environment is required. \subsubsection{Applet} This interface can be executed as an applet on the \href{http://esieequest.pacien.net/applet.html}{project's website /applet.html}. \subsection{Console mode} To start the game in the console mode, open the .jar via the command line with the ``--console'' argument. \subsubsection{Test mode} To execute the commands contained in a test file, execute the game from the command line with the ``--file'' argument, followed by the path to the test file. \section{Commands} \begin{tabular}{ l | l | p{8cm} } Command & Argument & Description\\ \hline alea & & Force the destination of the transporter doors.\\ back & none & Go back to the previous room.\\ do & none & Automatically take an item or talk to a character, according to the context.\\ drop & & Drop an item in the current side of the current room.\\ go & & Go in the given direction or forward (in the direction of the current side)\\ help & none & Display the available commands.\\ inventory & none & Display the inventory.\\ load & & Load a saved game from a file.\\ look & none & Display informations about the current room.\\ new & & Create a new game, optionally in challenge mode.\\ quit & none & Quit the game.\\ save & & Save the game to a file.\\ sound & none & Toggle the sound (GUI and web only).\\ take & & Take an item from the room. Take one of the item of the current side if no name specified.\\ talk & & Talk to a character in the room. Talk to the character directly facing the player if no name specified.\\ turn & & Turn in the given direction.\\ use & & Use an item.\\ \end{tabular} \section{Keyboard shortcuts} \begin{tabular}{ l | l } Key & Action\\ \hline Left arrow & Turn left\\ Right arrow & Turn right\\ Up arrow & Go forward\\ Down arrow & Go back\\ PgUp & Take/Talk\\ Home & Open/Close the inventory\\ \end{tabular}