package; /** * Contains all the messages displayed by the Game. * * @author Benoit LUBRANO DI SBARAGLIONE * @author Pacien TRAN-GIRARD */ public enum Text { // @formatter:off CHALLENGE_FLAG("challenge"), // interface DEFAULT_CONSOLE("Want to start a new game? Click on the 'New' button at the top left corner." + "\nMove your cursor over the buttons to know what they do." + "\nYou can also use the arrow keys!"), DEFAULT_QUEST_TITLE("ESIEEquest"), CURRENT_QUEST_PREFIX("Current quest: "), NOT_IMPLEMENTED("Not implemented... Yet."), NEW_GAME_BUTTON("New"), NEW_GAME_TOOLTIP("New game"), LOAD_GAME_BUTTON("Load"), LOAD_GAME_TOOLTIP("Load a game"), SAVE_GAME_BUTTON("Save"), SAVE_GAME_TOOLTIP("Save the current game"), TOGGLE_SOUND_BUTTON("Sound"), TOGGLE_SOUND_TOOLTIP("Toggle sound"), GO_FORWARD_BUTTON("↥"), GO_FORWARD_TOOLTIP("Go forward"), GO_BACK_BUTTON("↧"), GO_BACK_TOOLTIP("Go back"), TURN_LEFT_BUTTON("↰"), TURN_LEFT_TOOLTIP("Turn left"), TURN_RIGHT_BUTTON("↱"), TURN_RIGHT_TOOLTIP("Turn right"), INVENTORY_BUTTON("I"), INVENTORY_TOOLTIP("Open inventory"), ACTION_BUTTON("A"), ACTION_TOOLTIP("Talk/Take item"), // messages WELCOME("Welcome to ESIEEquest! ESIEEquest is a new, amazingly boring adventure game."), CHALLENGE_FAILED("Challenge failed: you died from exhaustion..."), QUIT("Thanks for wasting your time. Good bye."), ALEA_OVERRIDE_ENABLED("Alea override enabled."), ALEA_OVERRIDE_DISABLED("Alea override disabled."), NO_DOOR("There is no door."), DOOR_LOCKED("This door is locked."), INVENTORY_FULL("Cannot pick up item: the maximum inventory weight has been reached."), INVENTORY_EMPTY("Your inventory is empty."), BEAMER_ROOM_MEMORISED("The coordinates of the current location have been memorised: "), BEAMER_TELEPORTED("Zap! You have reached your destination. The device's memory has been cleared."), // objects NOTE_PREFIX("It is written: "), NOTE_ATHANASE("In case of logical trouble: find Athanase, office #3254."), // lists HELP_PREFIX("Available commands: "), HELP_SUFFIX("."), LOCATION_PREFIX("Location: "), LOCATION_SUFFIX("."), EXITS_PREFIX("Available exits: "), EXITS_NO_EXIT("no exit"), EXITS_SUFFIX("."), CHARACTERS_PREFIX("Characters here: "), CHARACTERS_NO_CHARACTER("nobody"), CHARACTERS_SUFFIX("."), ITEMS_PREFIX("Items here: "), ITEMS_NO_ITEM("nothing"), ITEMS_SUFFIX("."), DIRECTION_PREFIX("Facing: "), DIRECTION_SUFFIX("."), INVENTORY_PREFIX("Items: "), INVENTORY_SUFFIX(". "), INVENTORY_WEIGHT_PREFIX("Total inventory weight: "), INVENTORY_WEIGHT_SUFFIX("."), // formatting LIST_SEPARATOR(", "), FILENAME_SEPARATOR("_"), COMMAND_SEPARATOR(" "), NEW_LINE("\n"), SPACE(" "), // errors UNKNOWN_COMMAND("Unknown command."), TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS("Too many arguments."), MISSING_ARGUMENT("Missing argument."), FILE_PATH_NOT_SPECIFIED("File path not specified."), NO_SUCH_EXIT("No such exit."), NO_SUCH_DIRECTION("No such direction."), NO_DIRECTION_SPECIFIED("No direction specified."), NO_SUCH_ROOM("No such room."), NO_CHARACTER("No character."), NO_SUCH_CHARACTER("No such character."), NO_ITEM("No item."), NO_ITEM_SPECIFIED("No item specified."), NO_SUCH_ITEM("No such item."), NO_USE("This item has no use."), NOTHING_TO_DO("Nothing to do."), PARSING_ERROR_PREFIX("Parsing error: "), PARSING_ERROR_SUFFIX(""), DESERIALISING_ERROR_PREFIX("Deserialising error: "), DESERIALISING_ERROR_SUFFIX(""), ; // @formatter:on private final String text; /** * Creates a new Text constant. * * @param text * the value of the constant */ Text(final String text) { this.text = text; } @Override public String toString() { return this.text; } }