/* * Tinc App, an Android binding and user interface for the tinc mesh VPN daemon * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Pacien TRAN-GIRARD * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.pacien.tincapp.service import android.app.PendingIntent import android.app.Service import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.IBinder import androidx.databinding.ObservableBoolean import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger import org.apache.ftpserver.ConnectionConfigFactory import org.apache.ftpserver.DataConnectionConfigurationFactory import org.apache.ftpserver.FtpServer import org.apache.ftpserver.FtpServerFactory import org.apache.ftpserver.ftplet.* import org.apache.ftpserver.listener.ListenerFactory import org.apache.ftpserver.usermanager.UsernamePasswordAuthentication import org.apache.ftpserver.usermanager.impl.WritePermission import org.pacien.tincapp.R import org.pacien.tincapp.activities.configure.ConfigureActivity import org.pacien.tincapp.context.App import org.pacien.tincapp.context.AppNotificationManager import org.pacien.tincapp.extensions.Java.defaultMessage import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import java.io.IOException /** * FTP server service allowing a remote and local user to access and modify configuration files in * the application's context. * * @author pacien */ class ConfigurationAccessService : Service() { companion object { // Apache Mina FtpServer's INFO log level is actually VERBOSE. // The object holds static references to those loggers so that they stay around. @Suppress("unused") private val MINA_FTP_LOGGER_OVERRIDER = MinaLoggerOverrider(Level.WARN) private val context by lazy { App.getContext() } private val store by lazy { context.getSharedPreferences("${this::class.java.`package`!!.name}.ftp", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)!! } val runningState = ObservableBoolean(false) fun getFtpHomeDir(): String = context.applicationInfo.dataDir!! fun getFtpUsername() = storeGetOrInsertString("username") { "tincapp" } fun getFtpPassword() = storeGetOrInsertString("password") { generateRandomString(8) } fun getFtpPort() = storeGetOrInsertInt("port") { 65521 } // tinc port `concat` FTP port fun getFtpPassiveDataPorts() = storeGetOrInsertString("passive-range") { "65522-65532" } private fun storeGetOrInsertString(key: String, defaultGenerator: () -> String): String = synchronized(store) { if (!store.contains(key)) store.edit().putString(key, defaultGenerator()).apply() return store.getString(key, null)!! } private fun storeGetOrInsertInt(key: String, defaultGenerator: () -> Int): Int = synchronized(store) { if (!store.contains(key)) store.edit().putInt(key, defaultGenerator()).apply() return store.getInt(key, 0) } private fun generateRandomString(length: Int): String { val alphabet = ('a'..'z') + ('A'..'Z') + ('0'..'9') return List(length) { alphabet.random() }.joinToString("") } } private val log by lazy { LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.javaClass)!! } private val notificationManager by lazy { App.notificationManager } private var sftpServer: FtpServer? = null override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder? = null // non-bindable service override fun onDestroy() { sftpServer?.stop() sftpServer = null runningState.set(false) log.info("Stopped FTP server") super.onDestroy() } override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int { val ftpUser = StaticFtpUser(getFtpUsername(), getFtpPassword(), getFtpHomeDir(), listOf(WritePermission())) sftpServer = setupSingleUserServer(ftpUser, getFtpPort(), getFtpPassiveDataPorts()).also { try { it.start() runningState.set(true) log.info("Started FTP server on port {}", getFtpPort()) pinInForeground() } catch (e: IOException) { log.error("Could not start FTP server", e) App.alert(R.string.notification_error_title_unable_to_start_ftp_server, e.defaultMessage()) } } return START_NOT_STICKY } /** * Pins the service in the foreground so that it doesn't get stopped by the system when the * application's activities are put in the background, which is the case when the user sets the * focus on an FTP client app for example. */ private fun pinInForeground() { startForeground( AppNotificationManager.CONFIG_ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_ID, notificationManager.newConfigurationAccessNotificationBuilder() .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_baseline_folder_open_primary_24dp) .setContentTitle(resources.getString(R.string.notification_config_access_server_running_title)) .setContentText(resources.getString(R.string.notification_config_access_server_running_message)) .setContentIntent(Intent(this, ConfigureActivity::class.java).let { PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, it, 0) }) .build() ) } private fun setupSingleUserServer(ftpUser: User, ftpPort: Int, ftpPassivePorts: String): FtpServer = FtpServerFactory() .apply { addListener("default", ListenerFactory() .apply { connectionConfig = ConnectionConfigFactory() .apply { maxThreads = 1 } // library has issues with multiple threads .createConnectionConfig() } .apply { port = ftpPort } .apply { dataConnectionConfiguration = DataConnectionConfigurationFactory() .apply { passivePorts = ftpPassivePorts } .createDataConnectionConfiguration() } .createListener() ) } .apply { userManager = StaticFtpUserManager(listOf(ftpUser)) } .createServer() private class StaticFtpUserManager(users: List) : UserManager { private val userMap: Map = users.map { it.name to it }.toMap() override fun getUserByName(username: String?): User? = userMap[username] override fun getAllUserNames(): Array = userMap.keys.toTypedArray() override fun doesExist(username: String?): Boolean = username in userMap override fun delete(username: String?) = throw UnsupportedOperationException() override fun save(user: User?) = throw UnsupportedOperationException() override fun getAdminName(): String = throw UnsupportedOperationException() override fun isAdmin(username: String?): Boolean = throw UnsupportedOperationException() override fun authenticate(authentication: Authentication?): User = when (authentication) { is UsernamePasswordAuthentication -> getUserByName(authentication.username).let { if (it != null && authentication.password == it.password) it else throw AuthenticationFailedException() } else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() } } private data class StaticFtpUser( private val name: String, private val password: String, private val homeDirectory: String, private val authorities: List ) : User { override fun getName(): String = name override fun getPassword(): String = password override fun getAuthorities(): List = authorities override fun getAuthorities(clazz: Class): List = authorities.filter(clazz::isInstance) override fun getMaxIdleTime(): Int = 0 // unlimited override fun getEnabled(): Boolean = true override fun getHomeDirectory(): String = homeDirectory override fun authorize(request: AuthorizationRequest?): AuthorizationRequest? = authorities.filter { it.canAuthorize(request) }.fold(request) { req, auth -> auth.authorize(req) } } /** * This registers package loggers filtering the output of the Mina FtpServer. * The object holds static references to those loggers so that they stay around. */ private class MinaLoggerOverrider(logLevel: Level) { @Suppress("unused") private val ftpServerLogger = forceLogLevel("org.apache.ftpserver", logLevel) @Suppress("unused") private val minaLogger = forceLogLevel("org.apache.mina", logLevel) private fun forceLogLevel(pkgName: String, logLevel: Level) = (LoggerFactory.getLogger(pkgName) as Logger).apply { level = logLevel } } }