package; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; /** * Board validity checker. * * @author Pacien TRAN-GIRARD */ public class BoardValidator { /** * A validation exception, witness of validation error(s). */ public static class ValidationException extends Exception { ValidationException(String msg) { super(msg); } ValidationException() { super(); } } /** * Constraint predicates. */ public static final class Constraint { public static final int NB_DROPPABLE_BOMBS = 3; private static boolean inBoard(TileVec2 dim, TileVec2 v) { return v.getRow() >= 0 && v.getRow() < dim.getRow() && v.getCol() >= 0 && v.getRow() < dim.getCol(); } /** * Checks that the supplied board is well-bounded. */ public static boolean isBounded(Board b) { TileVec2 dim = b.getDim(); boolean hBounded = IntStream.range(0, dim.getCol()) .allMatch(col -> b.getBlockTypeAt(TileVec2.of(col, 0)).isBounding() && b.getBlockTypeAt(TileVec2.of(col, dim.getRow() - 1)).isBounding()); boolean vBounded = IntStream.range(0, dim.getRow()) .allMatch(row -> b.getBlockTypeAt(TileVec2.of(0, row)).isBounding() && b.getBlockTypeAt(TileVec2.of(dim.getCol() - 1, row)).isBounding()); return hBounded && vBounded; } /** * Checks that the supplied board is hollow, i.e. has a unique and simple interior. */ public static boolean isHollow(Board b) { TileVec2 dim = b.getDim(); Optional start = -> e.getValue().isTraversable()).findAny().map(Map.Entry::getKey); if (!start.isPresent()) return false; Set reachable = new HashSet<>(); Queue toVisit = new ArrayDeque<>(); reachable.add(start.get()); toVisit.add(start.get()); TileVec2 tile; while ((tile = toVisit.poll()) != null) tile.neighbors().stream() .filter(neighbor -> inBoard(dim, neighbor)) .filter(neighbor -> b.getBlockTypeAt(neighbor) != null && b.getBlockTypeAt(neighbor).isTraversable()) .filter(neighbor -> !reachable.contains(neighbor)) .forEach(neighbor -> { reachable.add(neighbor); toVisit.add(neighbor); }); return reachable.size() == -> e.getValue().isTraversable()).count(); } /** * Checks that every block marked as reachable has at least one traversable neighbor. */ public static boolean hasActualReachableBlocks(Board b) { TileVec2 dim = b.getDim(); return .filter(blockEntry -> blockEntry.getValue().mustBeReachable()) .allMatch(blockEntry -> blockEntry.getKey().neighbors().stream() .filter(neighbor -> inBoard(dim, neighbor)) .anyMatch(neighbor -> b.getBlockTypeAt(neighbor).isTraversable() || b.getBlockTypeAt(neighbor).isMovableByExplosion())); } /** * Checks that the supplied board has all the mandatory blocks. */ public static boolean hasMandatoryBlocks(Board b) { return -> block.getValue() == BlockType.TRASH) && -> block.getValue() == BlockType.GARBAGE) && -> block.getValue() == BlockType.FREE).count() >= NB_DROPPABLE_BOMBS; } private Constraint() { // static class } } private final Board board; private final ValidationException errors = new ValidationException(); /** * @param board the board to validate */ public BoardValidator(Board board) { this.board = board; } /** * Tests the board against a given validator, using the supplied error message if the validation fails. * * @param validator a validity test * @param msg a failure message * @return the board validator */ public BoardValidator validate(Predicate validator, String msg) { if (!validator.test(board)) errors.addSuppressed(new ValidationException(msg)); return this; } /** * @return the validated board * @throws ValidationException in case of failure */ public Board get() throws ValidationException { if (errors.getSuppressed().length > 0) throw errors; else return board; } }