package ch.epfl.xblast; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import; /** * Run-length byte array encoder and decoder. * * @author Pacien TRAN-GIRARD (261948) */ public final class RunLengthEncoder { private static final int REPLACE_THRESHOLD = 2; private static final int MAX_RUN_LENGTH = -Byte.MIN_VALUE + REPLACE_THRESHOLD; /** * A run-length representing a sequence of a byte repeated n times. */ static class RunLength { final int len; final byte val; /** * Instantiates a run-length of byte val and length len. * * @param len the length * @param val the value */ RunLength(int len, byte val) { this.len = ArgumentChecker.requireNonNegative(len); this.val = val; } /** * Instantiates a unit length RunLength of the given value. * * @param val the value */ RunLength(byte val) { this(1, val); } /** * Instantiates a run-length from its byte encoded representation. * * @param len the encoded byte length * @param val the value */ RunLength(byte len, byte val) { this(-len + REPLACE_THRESHOLD, val); } /** * Merges tho current and the given same value RunLengths. * * @param rl the other RunLength to combine. * @return the summed-length RunLength */ RunLength merge(RunLength rl) { if (Objects.isNull(rl) || rl.val != this.val) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return new RunLength(this.len + rl.len, this.val); } /** * Splits the RunLength in one or more RunLengths, ensuring they do not exceed the maximum encode-able length. * * @return the split RunLength list */ List split() { List fullRll = Collections.nCopies(this.len / MAX_RUN_LENGTH, new RunLength(MAX_RUN_LENGTH, this.val)); int remainder = this.len % MAX_RUN_LENGTH; if (remainder == 0) return fullRll; else return Lists.appended(fullRll, new RunLength(remainder, this.val)); } /** * Encodes a RunLength into its byte array representation. * * @return the byte array representation */ List encode() { if (this.len <= REPLACE_THRESHOLD) return this.expand(); else return Arrays.asList((byte) (-this.len + REPLACE_THRESHOLD), this.val); } /** * Returns the expanded byte array form of a RunLength. * * @return the expanded byte array form */ List expand() { return Collections.nCopies(this.len, this.val); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("(%d,%d)", this.len, this.val); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; RunLength rl = (RunLength) o; return len == rl.len && val == rl.val; } } /** * Collapses contiguous same-value RunLength in the given list. * Optimal collapse is not guaranteed if zero-length elements are not filtered out first. * * @param rll the RunLength list * @return a collapsed RunLength list */ static List collapseRunLengths(List rll) { if (Objects.isNull(rll) || rll.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); if (rll.size() == 1) return rll; RunLength current = rll.get(0), next = rll.get(1); if (current.val == next.val) return collapseRunLengths(Lists.prepended(Lists.firstDropped(rll, 2), current.merge(next))); else return Lists.prepended(collapseRunLengths(Lists.firstDropped(rll, 1)), current); } /** * Decodes a RunLengths byte array representation into a RunLength list. * * @param el the encoded byte array * @return the decoded RunLength lest */ static List decodeRunLengths(List el) { if (Objects.isNull(el) || el.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); if (el.get(0) < 0 && el.size() >= 2) return Lists.prepended( decodeRunLengths(Lists.firstDropped(el, 2)), new RunLength(el.get(0), el.get(1))); else if (el.get(0) >= 0) return Lists.prepended( decodeRunLengths(Lists.firstDropped(el, 1)), new RunLength(el.get(0))); else throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /** * Encodes the given Byte sequence using the run length encoding. * * @param bl the given byte sequence * @return the encoded byte sequence */ public static List encode(List bl) { List rll =; return Collections.unmodifiableList(collapseRunLengths(rll).stream() .flatMap(rl -> rl.split().stream()) .flatMap(rl -> rl.encode().stream()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } /** * Decodes the given Byte sequence using the run length encoding. * * @param el the given encoded byte sequence * @return the decoded byte sequence */ public static List decode(List el) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(decodeRunLengths(el).stream() .flatMap(rl -> rl.expand().stream()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } }